(808) 344-2569

P.O. Box 635, Haiku, HI 96708


Frequently Asked Questions
Check back soon for updated information

Are all of the baskets on your website made by you personally?

Yes, every product shown here on BasketsByFiama.Com is made by myself. And, I hope to make it clear that each basket is a unique piece. The challenge I had with going online is keeping that part of it intact. I want to encourage orders or suggest whatever special pieces I have made on hand. Feel free to contact me using the phone or email

I have many ideas including; interior decor sets, special vessels, keepsake vessels and urns.

Are your baskets "all natural"?

I harvest all or the fiber materials myself here on the island of Maui. The only material ever used that isn't personally harvested from natural surroundings are the reed or paper spoke products often used for framework. That and the optional seashell leis people ask for. It is important to me that my baskets are as natural as possible.

I'm having problems with the website using my iPhone or computer

Our website is presently under revision. Feel free to use our PHONE and EMAIL information to contact me directly.

How long do custom orders take?

If you communicate a clear idea of what you want, most pieces can be produced within 1 week, and packed and shipped within days

How do you ship?

Unless special arragements are required, I almost always ship by U.S. Postal Priority Mail, subject to their restrictions. In some cases FedEx is cheaper.

How long have you been weaving?

Over 28 years now.

What other art do you do?

Beading, feather jewelry, polymer clay, paintings, ceramics, banana bark portraiture, multi-media collage, rustic furniture